Pairs vigils
Tu n’as pas la forme ? Tu te sens perdu.e ? Il est normal de rencontrer des difficultés lorsqu’on entreprend de longues études qui demandent un énorme investissement personnel, qui plus est en s’expatriant. Il arrive dans ce genre de situation de se sentir dépassé.e par la situation, il est alors très bénéfique de chercher de l’aide auprès d’autrui : des étudiants et des spécialistes de la santé se tiennent à ta disposition pour te venir en aide.

Nous savons qu’il faut du courage pour demander de l’aide, par conséquent nous avons mis à disposition un numéro, le +40 743 878 208, disponible 7j/7, 24h/24, où tu pourras entrer en contact avec d’autres étudiants de manière anonyme ou non. Tu peux aussi rentrer en contact avec nous par message sur facebook.
Tu peux aussi trouver ci-dessous une liste de spécialistes qui pourront te venir en aide.

Sur ce, n’attends pas plus longtemps pour nous contacter !

Pour les personnes qui veulent nous contacter pour diverses raisons (recrutement par exemple), veuillez nous contacter sur facebook. Nous organisons aussi des réunions auxquelles vous êtes les bienvenues; toute l’actualité est disponible sur notre page facebook.
nome-mailtéléphonelogiciel utilisésurnomlanguesmoyen de contact préférémessage
Gabriel, roumaine-mailI am positive psychotherapist, trained in Germany by the Wiesbaden Academy for Positive Psychotherapy andwork in this field since 20 years.
Diana, roumain, françaistéléphone, sms, whatsapp, skypeHello everyone, my name is diana and i have been a psychotherapist since 2011 (CBT, Positive Psychotherapy and Schema Therapy). My specialities lie in trauma, depression, anxiety and personality development. I have experience in working in both of those languages.
There i always a silver lining in every dark situation can bring up unkniwn resources within ourselves. Psychotherapy is, ultimately, the process of uncovering these dormant qualities and completing ourselves. It is an honour to witness that story!
Loredanaéléphone, e-mail, smsMy name is Loredana Vrabiescu and I chose this job because i like wotking with people. Being a psychotherapist does not mean reading thoughts, but as Yalom says: “Our task is to remove obstacles that block the path.”
Cecilia Ioana Teodora Angelescuanglais, roumainsms, e-mailI am a positive psychotherapist with 6 years of experience, also a social worker, love my work, have a lot of faith that each person has inner resources and is able to face crisis with some support
Atomeiçais, roumaintéléphoneChild and adolescent psychiatrist, Positive Psychotherapy adn CBT training.
Farkas, allemand, espagnol,
sms, e-mail, WhatsappHello! I am a psychologist who traveled and lived in different countries before i became a psychotherapist and returned to my hometown. Living the life of an expat be a great support to somebody in the same situation. I am proficient in English language, so i would be confident to have the therapy or the counseling sessions in English but i also speak German and Spanish at conversationnal level, so it could be helpful for people who are natives in these languages. If you think I could help you grow or support you in these extraordinary times we are living, don’t hesitate to contact me for any questions or to make an appointment!, Whatsappivoskype11français, allemandtéléphone, e-mailPsychologue
Maria Boneaanglais, roumain, français, espagnole-mailI am 29 years old, I have just finished my residency in Cluj-Napoca, and starting in January 2020 I am a Psychiatrist at Interservisan Clinic and I work as an on call psychiatrist at Cluj County Emergency Hospital. I am a Cognitive Behavior Psychotherapist under supervision. Some of you might know me as teaching assistent of Psychiatry at UMF Cluj-Napoca.
Ohniguian, FacetimeEmmanuelle Ohniguianfrançaissms, e-mailPsychologist, specializing in ethnopsychiatrie
Petitjeançaise-mailJe suis médecin psychiatre, pédopsychiatre depuis 1998, spécialiste de l’attachement.
Vlad Mureș 99anglais, roumainsms, e-mailBună, sunt Vlad Mureșan, trăiesc și lucrez în Cluj-Napoca, unde consiliez clienți cu dificultăți profesionale, personale și psihoterapie cognitiv comportamentală, și am lucrat câțiva ani că cercetător/seminarist la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai. În prezent abordarea mea e una bazată pe onestitate, integritate și umanitate. Fie că citești articolele de pe blog ( sau alegi să programezi o ședință cu mine, abordarea mea sinceră și directă are ca scop obținerea rapidă a unei stări de claritate și conștiență în care poți găsi ușor resursele să faci față condițiilor tale de viață, oricare ar fi ele.
Weizman Chantal+33603104286Whatsapp, FacetimefrançaistéléphonePsychologue